Saturday, November 08, 2008

A Collection of Fan Photos (part 2)

Here is the long awaited Part 2 I've been promising you for days. (Hopefully, when you see how many pictures there are, you'll understand why it took so long!)

First up, Friend of The Show Scott got incredible seats just behind the officials' box at the Garden in Boston. Check out the shots of Saint Siddo in the sin bin! NICE!!! Oh, and make sure you enlarge the first shot - Scott caught a picture of the officials watching the Monday Night Football matchup between the New England Patriots and the Denver Broncos while the hockey game is in progress in the background!! o_O And that's Scott and his friend on TV in the last photo. Just look for the two 87 jerseys in the middle of the screen. :)

Next, Friend of The Show Nicole W. went to 10-28-08 the San Jose Sharks game which the Pens lost. She sent us these two pictures of Siddo:

Meise C. went to the November 1st win over the St. Louis Blues and took a TON of pictures for us:

Friend of The Show Jaime was at the Blues game, too. And she, too, took a bunch of photos for us:

Sidney CrosbyCrosby vs. BoyesCooke and MalkinCrosby and Letang
Crosby and SatanSidney CrosbySidney CrosbySidney Crosby
Sidney CrosbySidney CrosbyMalkin and SykoraEvgeni Malkin
Pens' BenchMarc-Andre FleuryPhotobucketCrosby and Sydor
Pens' BenchSidney CrosbyPhotobucketSidney Crosby

And while Colby Armstrong may no longer be in a Penguin uniform, it was clear from the comments in The Friends' Zone a few days ago that most of you, like me, miss him. Friend of The Show Carlie D. went to the Sabres v Thrashers game and snapped a few shots of Army sporting the A on his chest for us:

Thank you, thank you, thank you SO MUCH to Scott, Nicole, Meise, Jaime, and Carlie for sharing their game photos with us!!!

The Pens head north to face the New York Islanders tonight at 7:00pm Eastern.

GO PENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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