Sunday, November 30, 2008

Dining Out With Marian and Other Stories from Max

I promised this post to you earlier this week. In this post, Superstar talks about the 7-6 victory over Detroit, a dinner date with Marian Hossa, Hockey to the Max, and much more. So now without further ado, it's time for another installment of...

A crazy match and my columnist TV

What a crazy game, our victory of 7 to 6 against the Red Wings gave quite a show Tuesday night in Detroit.

It was truly a part of hockey, comparable to the intensity found in series. I would venture to say that this is one of the best regular season games in which I had the chance to participate. We went from behind 4-2 after the second period before starting a rebound en route to the win of 7-6 in overtime.

Such a game could seduce anyone who does not have a passion for hockey, it was a very catchy.

The game was so intense that even after the game and this morning, I had ached everywhere. One would have thought it was a match series in November and it remains rare to see these matches at this time of the season. This victory is even more enjoyable because we have never given up. This confidence was manifested and Jordan Staal played the hero with three goals in the third to carry the game in overtime.

On the whole, we played much better and this has become a question of character. I remember a game during which we lost by four goals in the third period facing the Senators and we started playing good hockey. Obviously, we bring these games.

After our victory against the Wings, we celebrated in the locker room and there was a special atmosphere. Okay, I would not say that it removes the pain of having lost the Stanley Cup facing them. However, it remains that this particular comeback occurs facing them.

Of course, this match became the first rendezvous against Marian Hossa in his Wings uniform. Unsurprisingly the media have created a great excitement around this story. It should be noted that the Penguins fans have not yet forgiven the decision. On the side of players, we have no choice but to accept his decision. We remain satisfied that he was not a big factor in the game even if one of the best players in the NHL.

We must not make a big story

The day before our team faced the Red Wings, some of my teammates went to dinner with Marian Hossa and this story was circulated in the media. For me, this is an acceptable phenomenon regular season, but I do not see it as such a good thing during the playoff series.

Indeed, I went to dinner with my good friend Bruno Gervais when we faced the Islanders. The scenario is similar to the brothers Jordan and Marc Staal who go to a restaurant together when the Rangers and Penguins clash.

But I assure you that I can still give a strong blow to Bruno’s shoulder when I find myself in the corner of the rink with him. I believe that all these stories are a part of the sport.

Max, columnist TV!

It makes me happy to slip a few words about an experience that I am lucky to live once a week with the television network FSN (Fox Sports Net) which broadcasts our games. Each week, I have the opportunity to participate in a Sports Show where I'll talk hockey for about ten minutes, a segment called Hockey to the Max. In large part, I tell what is happening in the areas of the Penguins. Wednesday, for my weekly visit, we talked a lot about the electrifying part of the deal with the Wings.

Everything takes place in a relaxed atmosphere and I think it's good for our sport. Moreover, the supporters appreciate these chronicles and they learn different things because of our environment.

For me, this is a great experience and I developed a good relationship with this television network since my arrival with the Penguins. They seem to appreciate my rather extroverted personality. [snoop: I think we all do, Max! :)]

Like I do with my chronicles at, I will stop at [some places in the] series to get the maximum amount of focus. But during the season, we have time for such activities and it is nothing too serious.

Everything is going well for me on the first trio [line]

For four games, I have had the chance to complete the first trio with Sidney Crosby and Miroslav Satan and I am very pleased that the experience works. I was able to collect three goals and one assist during these four games. I cannot hide that it is good to participate in scoring and that is always nice to produce offensively. That said, I love filling my role when I am employed on a third trio, but I appreciate every moment with Sid and Satan.

I do not know if this experiment will last for a long period, but we won our last four games so I hope that will happen. However, that decision remains that of the coaches.

At the moment everything is going well and we have good chemistry. I contribute a lot by giving the puck, but I often get it as well. My earlier failure will always remain one of my strengths and I want to recover their washers and pass. On the other hand, Satan brings a lot with his natural size.

It looks like an interesting deal with the Flyers

Our next test takes place when we face the Flyers with whom we have a great rivalry. At every turn, these clashes become special games for both teams and the crowd inevitably [enjoys it]. These appointments become a war on the ice and we [thrive] on this type of encounter. The season is so long, we need these moments of emotion.

My parents are also en route to Pittsburgh for a few days and they will have the chance to attend this particular game.

Before (the Flyers), we have an eye on the Rangers.

[LATE EDIT: A big thank you goes out to Friend of The Show Bobby T. (who is also the one who coined the acronym IFHSA™ for The Show) for pointing out that the title contained a typo. That is why it did not translate properly. He provided what is (in all likelihood) the correct title in English in The Friends' Zone. :)]

Our beautiful sequence allows us to be brought up to the Rangers and the top of the Atlantic Division, even though we have not seen our best start of the season. The Rangers [only have a few points on us] and we have games in hand on them. This is a great accomplishment especially since our two best defenders are injured.

In the absence of Ryan Whitney and Sergei Gonchar, Alex Goligoski [laced up]. He offers very good hockey and is gaining confidence. Alex proves to everyone that he is playing at this level since his first year. We did not know exactly what to expect from him, but he has proved his worth. This also provides more ice time for Kristopher Letang. Still, it is impossible to replace players like Gonchar and Whitney.

Many thanks to Friend of The Show Alyse for providing the translation. :) Come back later tonight - I've got Max's latest post, which he wrote on Thanksgiving, scheduled to go live in a few hours. :)


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