Ten things for which I am most thankful:

Have a great Thanksgiving, everyone. :)
- First and foremost, my awesome husband
- My big sister, who has been my rock
- My sometimes crazy, always supportive family and friends
- My beautiful dogs
- My new job and the fact that it is just so damn awesome
- That Irish bit o'luck that somehow works for me about 98% of the time whenever I need playoff (or Winter Classic!) tickets
- That the Penguins are staying in Pittsburgh (still, haha!)
- Comeback wins ;) and knowing that NO game is over until it's really over
- Jes Golbez, for taking a chance when he asked me to join him on TSCS and for graciously allowing me to take over the site
- Last but definitely not least, each and every single Friend of The Show
Have a great Thanksgiving, everyone. :)
Labels: Happy Thanksgiving