A Season with Sidney Crosby...now in book format!
Shawna Richer, the Globe and Mail reporter who stalked Sidney Crosby for an entire season is releasing a book about her year with Sid the Kid.
The book comes out on October 24th, and you can pre-order over at Amazon.ca for C$ 19.79!
Product Description:
A Season with Sidney Crosby and the New NHL. A gripping account of the rookie season of the NHL’s next great saviour.
When Sidney Crosby was first drafted by the Pittsburgh Penguins, we knew he was bright, photogenic, personable, and a media darling. The only question that remained was whether he could handle the big time. From an international advertising deal with Reebok to a season of personal triumphs and gut-wrenching challenges — with a little argument from Don Cherry along the way — Sid the Kid has proven that he is the man.