Saturday, March 01, 2008

Pens v Sens (L 4-5)

I'm totally cheating on the recap today. I haven't even watched the game yet. I would have let you know in advance that no recap was coming, but I didn't plan for it to be this way. Allow me to briefly explain:

As I've mentioned before, my husband plays hockey in an adult rec league. I don't usually get to go to his games because most of the games are scheduled on weeknights after 9:00pm, and since I have a long commute to work, I have to be in bed by 10:00pm. But today, his team, the Steagles, went up against the Pylons at 3:30pm. I have to tell you, I probably should have stayed home. I haven't been that mad in a very long time: the referees weren't calling anything on the Pylons. (I later learned why - the younger ref used to be on their team.) Apparently it is now perfectly all right if you punch a guy in the back of the head right in front of the ref in a NO-CONTACT REC LEAGUE. I'm really not being biased here - the Pylons were acting like complete idiots.

I don't normally condone yelling at referees in non-professional games, but I really couldn't help myself. My husband, who had been tripped up and dislocated his shoulder a few weeks ago (that guy was suspended for the trip), was tripped up again today (no suspension - not even a penalty for today's offender). I'd had enough and screamed at the senior ref to do his job and informed him that "If my husband gets hurt out there again, I'm coming after YOU!!!"

UGH. I'm not proud of that, and I definitely don't condone behavior like that, and, quite frankly, I'm surprised he didn't throw me out of the stands. But in my defense, it was getting really nasty on the ice and nothing was happening to stop it. At one point, the Steagles' goalie came out of the crease before a faceoff and told the ref, "You need to do something or it's going to get out of control." The ref responded, "It's already out of control." THEN DON'T JUST STAND THERE, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT, DAMMIT. Today's refs = complete jokes. The worst part of it was that with all the fighting and swearing going on, there were several little kids in the stands watching it all. It was a shame that they had to see that. I suppose it wasn't all bad - the Steagles won the game by a score of 9 to 7.

So anyhoo, we just got back home a little bit ago after unwinding with some friends. I sincerely apologize for today's post. I heard the some of the recap of the Pens game from XM Radio on the drive home, and it sounds like the Pens faced much of the same adversity as the Steagles did today. Since I'm in such a foul mood already, I'm just going to go to bed now and watch the Pens/Sens game tomorrow evening. Make sure you check out a recap from one of these sources:
I promise I will definitely be recapping tomorrow's game against the Thrashers (Colby!) tomorrow, and I promise to be in a better mood tomorrow after a good night's rest.

GO PENS!!!!!!


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