Old School Sid
Before we get started, I wanted to make you all aware of a slight (yet significant) change I made this morning to the layout of The Show: The Archives section was getting a little long, so I threw it into a drop down menu box. Now it only takes up one line! :) The menu is located at the very end of the blogroll on the right underneath the site's stats counters.
Good Friend of The Show Narmeen A. sent in the inspiration for today's title: she took her copy of Reader's Digest Canada from October 2005 and scanned in the pages for us so we can read it! Click the scans to enlarge them for supersized views.

Friend of The Show Jordan L. sent me an email that said, "I was driving on I95 between Baltimore and Washington DC on Tuesday and saw this. It’s supposed to say 1-800-GO-PENSKE:"

Time now for a Roaming Penguin update! Sidney Penguin has taken quite a long trip for the third leg of his world tour. He left Omaha and headed to Buffalo, NY - the site of one of the bigger moments in his namesake's life:

While in Buffalo, he stopped by Friend Blankiegreen520's house:

Meanwhile, Marc-Andre Penguin has departed Nashville and landed in Dubois, Pa...

...where Friend Terri A. snapped a picture of MAP "with his major league counterpart's jersey:"

And now I leave you with TSCS's Quote of The Day:

Many, many thanks go out to Narmeen for scanning her magazine for us, to Jordan for sharing her truck photo, to Blankiegreen520 & Terri for sending in their Roaming Penguin pictures, and to Friend Jan M. for pointing out the article with today's quote.
Good Friend of The Show Narmeen A. sent in the inspiration for today's title: she took her copy of Reader's Digest Canada from October 2005 and scanned in the pages for us so we can read it! Click the scans to enlarge them for supersized views.
Friend of The Show Jordan L. sent me an email that said, "I was driving on I95 between Baltimore and Washington DC on Tuesday and saw this. It’s supposed to say 1-800-GO-PENSKE:"

Time now for a Roaming Penguin update! Sidney Penguin has taken quite a long trip for the third leg of his world tour. He left Omaha and headed to Buffalo, NY - the site of one of the bigger moments in his namesake's life:

While in Buffalo, he stopped by Friend Blankiegreen520's house:

Meanwhile, Marc-Andre Penguin has departed Nashville and landed in Dubois, Pa...

...where Friend Terri A. snapped a picture of MAP "with his major league counterpart's jersey:"
And now I leave you with TSCS's Quote of The Day:
"It was my first move as the coach. I knew the kid and what he'd been through since he was 13, 14 years old. It was going to be his team at some point down the road anyway, and I thought he was ready to start handling the responsibility."
~ Head Coach Michel Therrien, on his decision to name an 18-year-old Siddo as an Alternate Captain of the Pens on December 16, 2005 - just two months after the Saint's first NHL game. (If you'll recall, the move drew tons of criticism from many, including fashion plate Don Cherry.)

Many, many thanks go out to Narmeen for scanning her magazine for us, to Jordan for sharing her truck photo, to Blankiegreen520 & Terri for sending in their Roaming Penguin pictures, and to Friend Jan M. for pointing out the article with today's quote.
Labels: magazines, quote, reader submissions, roaming penguins