Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Catching Up With the Roamers (part 4)

Time for a few more Roaming Penguin stories today! First up, because of the multiple Roamers posts, a lot of new Friends have been writing to find out where they can get their hands on one of these little guys. You can get all the order info here - and don't forget a portion of each sale goes to the Mario Lemieux Foundation!!!

Now, back to the matter at hand: Sidney Penguin went to Eastern Pennsylvania to spend some time with Friend of The Show April H. (click all pictures to enlarge):
Here are some of the adventures SP went on after he arrived at my home in New Holland, PA. I live in Lancaster Co with the Amish, but I am not Amish.

Piano: SP found the piano in my house and wanted to sing a few songs ...

Lunch Box: SP went along with my friend and I to Akron Park in Lancaster County PA to watch us play Frisbee golf. We had him facing the opposite direction of where we were throwing because the throws were too embarrassing to have him witness them. He was carried through the course in his special SP carrying case so as not to get souvenirs on his feet from all the ducks ...

Ducks: Sid enjoyed watching the ducks with us after the game ...

Apple: I introduced the art of making applesauce to SP and noticed a Siamese apple just about as big as he was!

Covered Bridge: On my day off doing errands around the county we stopped by a covered bridge (most if not all are red) and most are one lane across. SP is in the lower left corner on the stone in front of the bridge.

Cat's Back Sign: The road with the covered bridge is called Cat's Back Road (there is a hill nearby called Cat's Back). The writing under the sign is "Pennsylvania Dutch" which is ironic since most Amish did not come from Holland .. they came from Germany .. and speak "low German" .. but I gave Sidney a speech lesson on how to "Dutchify" the English language to sound like an Amish person.

Mennonite Buggy: I pointed out the many buggies (MANY buggies) to SP and explained to him the difference between the Amish and Mennonite buggies. (Amish are gray, Mennonites are black) And Sid being the tourist he is wanted to get a pic .. so I drove at 2 mph to get a good shot and so as not to hurt him while trying to get this pic. Good thing Mario P wasn't there or I'm sure he would have gotten a lecture on being more careful ...

Seatbelt: SP wore his seatbelt for the trip except for when he wanted the buggy pic ... just like a good little penguin

Mascot Mill Sign: SP had this bad habit of wanting to be on the tops of high signs and had fallen once off this sign before I had a chance to take this pic ...

Mascot Mill Bench: Since SC likes to fish, I took SP to the place where I was taken to go fishing when I was growing up. It was a nice break from our busy errand running and we got to enjoy the leaves and the river for a little before it was time to continue our journey ...

Intercourse, PA: Ah the mecca of all Amish touristy things ... I got a pic of him with the sign for him to show to his friends back home.

Anyway I hope you enjoyed them! [snoop: I absolutely did, April!]
Sidney Penguin is a busy bird! He then headed back up north to visit Friend of The Show Evans87 in Kemptville, Ontario:
I was delighted to receive my penguin! There is one picture of Sidney Penguin with my Sidney collage as the backdrop...

...and also one of myself with my penguin.

I go to school every day, so I may not do as much interesting things with my penguin as the next person, but Sidney Penguin still needs his sleep.

Sidney Penguins also loves my Sidney T-shirt! GO PENS GO!

Kemptville, Ontario, got our first snow fall of the season, and Sidney begged me to take him out to play! So out we went!

How can I say no to that face?

Haha, the shots of S.P. making snow angels are classic! Thanks so much to April and Evans87 for sharing their great pictures. I've got one more Catching Up With the Roamers post to go and then I'll be back on top of the Roaming Penguin situation. After that, I'm going to start tackling the game day pictures I've gotten over the past few weeks. There are some AMAZING shots to share - I can't wait for you to see them! (I'm slowly but surely getting back into the swing of things...)

I'll close today with a big announcement involving good Friend of The Show Tony F., whom you probably know from The Confluence of The Three Rivers. As of today, he's now part of the legendary Kukla's Korner team!!! Many congratulations are in order! He'll be providing the same great Pens coverage at The Confluence on Kukla's Korner. To make it easy for you to find him, I've already changed his link in the blogroll, too. :) Sláinte agus táinte, Tony!!! :)

The Pens lost 1-2 to the San Jose Sharks last night. >:( They have the night off tonight to travel to Pheonix to face the Coyotes tomorrow night at 10:00pm Eastern.

GO PENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Catching Up With the Roamers (part 3)

I need to start this post with an apology to good Friend of The Show Alyse. She was the one who provided the recent translations of Mad Max Talbot's RDS blog. I misidentified her in all three parts, and I feel so bad about it! So a pair of thank yous go out to Alyse for those translations and to Ali W. for pointing out my error! :)

Now back to our Catching Up With the Roamers. (Click all of the following pictures to enlarge them.) Recently, Sidney Penguin headed up north for some fun with Friend of The Show Amanda T.:
I'm from Buffalo, and I've had my Sidney Penguin for a few weeks now, but I'm pregnant, so I had to make hay while the sun shone and do stuff around the house for the arrival of the baby. Anyhoo, today I finally got out with my friend Stacy. We took Sidney to Niagara Falls.

Pic471: He's arrived! Sidney Penguin waits patiently until Amanda checks her mail.

Pic472: Sidney is all buckled up and ready to go on his first adventure!

Pic473: Sidney waits for his food before driving up to Niagara Falls. It took a long time to find an adequate supply of fresh shrimp, squid, and fish for him, but he said it was worth the wait!

Pic474: We finally arrive at Niagara Falls State Park and Sidney excitedly looks over what there is to do.

Pic476: Sidney checks out the points of interest from the big map inside the Visitor's Center.

Pic477: On our way out to the Falls, Sidney begs us to stop and make a souvenir penny. He turned the crank all by himself!

Pic479: Sid balances his new penny on his stick to show it off.

Pic480: Sidney is so excited to see the Falls for the first time, he can hardly contain himself!

Pic481: Sid takes a reflective moment to gaze at the wonder and beauty of the Falls.

Pic482: Sidney wanted a closer view of the Falls, so we let him look through the observation tool which magnifies everything so you feel like you're right there!

Pic483: Sidney wanted to take a boat ride on the Maid of the Mist, but we were afraid they wouldn't have rain coats small enough to fit him. He insisted he would be fine, since he is a water bird, after all, but we didn't want anything bad to happen to him, so we stayed on shore.

Pic484: While we were in the gift shop, Sidney found a friend to talk to!

Pic486: When he saw this New York State license plate with his name on it, Sidney asked us nicely to buy it for him as a memento of his wonderful visit to Niagara Falls!

Also from the Buffalo area, Friend of The Show Carlie D. snapped a picture of Sidney Penguin after the arrival of his new friend, Jordan Penguin:
I got a Jordan penguin! I took a picture of Jordan and Sidney sitting on my fuzzy Sabres hat that just so happens to be in the Winter Classic mural!

S.P. then headed south to catch a special game with Friend of The Show Heidi S.:
Tonight Sidney Penguin went to see the Baby Pens play in Wilkes-Barre! Unfortunately the boys lost in the overtime shootout on the very last shooter of the five round shootout. But he did see Janne Pesonen score an awesome breakaway goal (he also scored the only goal for the Pens in the shootout)!! Another familiar name, Jeff Taffe, added a goal as well, as did Chris Minard. It was a little hard to find somewhere to pose, but this is Sidney in front of center ice at the Wachovia Arena.

Many thanks to Amanda, Carlie, and Heidi for sending in these pictures! (And congrats to Amanda for the impending arrival!!!) Stay tuned! I've got more Roaming Penguins pics to share with you this week.

The Pens face the San Jose Sharks tonight. Since this game will not even start until 10:30, I will not be recapping this one. I suggest checking out a recap from one of these fine sites:

Empty Netters

The Flower Shop

The Suburban Rob Rossis

GO PENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sunday, October 26, 2008

Catching Up With the Roamers (part 2)

Friend of The Show Terri A. and Marc-Andre Penguin provided all the pictures in this second installment of Catching Up With the Roamers. First, Terri and M.A.P. went site seeing in my stomping grounds - State College, Pa. (click the pictures to enlarge them):
Marc-Andre Penguin and I made a trip to State College today to watch the first Penguin game with my friend Sarah. Before the game M.A.P. did some sight seeing on the Penn State Campus.

1. M.A.P traveling around Penn State in the comfort of Sarah's purse:

2. Our First stop was the Lion Shrine:

3. Our second stop was Beaver Stadium where M.A.P. posed with the legendary coach of the Nittany Lions Joe Paterno:

4.Next we went downtown and took some pictures with the bronze pigs(pigs are my second favorite animal, penguins are number one of course):

5. Finally, we made it back to sarah's apartment to watch the Pens victory over the Sens. (M.A.P. cheering on his Captain):

It was a fun day and the Penguins pulled out the win to make it even better!
Then Terri sent in these pictures in from the October 16th loss to the Capitals:
I was last night's disaster of game and thought I would send you some pics. Marc-Andre Penguin enjoyed his first game.

1. Our man Sid taking a face off:

2. M.A.P watching M.A.F:

3. M.A.F ready to make a save:

4. M.A.P. outside Mellon Arena:

5. M.A.P cheering on his Penguins:

Thank you, Terri, for sending these pictures in! There are still more to come! :)


Catching Up With the Roamers (part 1)

I've got nine Roaming Penguins stories to post today, so I figured I would break it down into four separate posts. When last we left off, Sidney Penguin was in Germany. A few weeks ago, I got word that he made his way over to Scotland to visit Friend of The Show Gill R.:
I received my Roaming Penguin through the post today and thought you may like to see some pictures. He made it all the way to Perth, Scotland. Sidney Penguin is a great little guy. He has made a friend already which you will see by the pictures.

Meanwhile, Petr Penguin took an educational trip to Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens in Pittsburgh with Friends of The Show Stephanie C. and her son:
Well, today was, I suspected, Petr's last day as an Only Penguin. So I took my son and him to Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens, one of the nicest botanical gardens around. I didn't get too many good shots, as my camera's been finicky lately, but here are a couple.

Photo #1 is of Petr and the outside of the main building:

Photo #2 is of Petr and the 'chandelier' by Dale Chihuly that hangs in the rotunda:

In #3, Petr enjoys the lovely aroma of an orchid:

#4, one of my favorites, is my son and Petr enjoying this amaxingly beautiful day at the outside fountain. Notice the iron grip with which my son ensures Petr doesn't fall into the fountain? The tall building in the distance is the University of Pittsburgh's Cathedral of Learning, a really nice Art Deco building:

Photo #5 Petr says goodbye to Phipps:

...and in photo #6, Petr says hello to new little brother Max! Hopefully they'll get along and have lots more adventures to share with the Show!

Many thanks to Gill and Stephanie for sharing their pictures with us! More are coming soon. :)


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