Thursday, July 12, 2007

Who's Now? Who Cares!!!

Well, folks, we didn't get the upset. Derek Jeter beat Sidney in their ESPN Who's Now face off (63.8% - 36.2%).

Actually, Sidney didn't stand a chance. The fans' votes counted only for 70% of the overall total, while the guest panel's vote counted for 30%. And (like you didn't see this coming) the panel gave all 30% to Jeter. So right out of the gate, the deck was stacked against Sidney. If I start going on about how much I hate ESPN, my head will explode so I'm just going to let it go. Sid, if it counts for anything (and if you're reading this - unlikely!), you're tops with all of us!

Hey ESPN: Who's now? THIS GUY.

Okay, on to more important matters. Thanks to a comment from reader Lisa-Marie reminding me of an earlier thought Jes had, I got an idea. I'm going to try something different and hold an election. Let me explain.

Jes is right: Sid the Kid doesn't work anymore. He's the MVP and the new Captain, plus he'll be 20 when the new season begins. He's a man now, and we need a new nickname for him. I'd like The Sidney Crosby Show to have its own unique nickname. We could call him "Sid Vicious," but
that guy (allegedly) murdered his girlfriend - probably NOT an image Crosby wants to be associated with. The guys over at The Pensblog call him "Bing," and I don't want to copy them. So here's what I thought we could do: I will take emails from you with your suggestions for a new nickname for Sidney beginning July 12 until July 19. Then on July 20, I will post the best ones and give you a week to vote for a new nickname for Sid. I'll tell you my nomination up front: Sir Sidney. It's one of the nicknames given to Crosby by the voice of the Penguins, Mike Lange.

All right, people! Put your thinking caps on and send your suggestions to

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