Catching Up With the Roamers (part 5)
Here are the final four Roaming Penguins adventures I have for you in order to be completely caught up. First up, we've gotten word from Friend of The Show Susan B. that "A traveling Sidney Penguin was spotted in London yesterday!" See the proof below:

That skyline shot is truly stunning! Next we've got details about a sugary sweet journey that Friend of The Show Ali W. took:
And it keeps getting better because Sidney Penguin got to visit the place where it all began with Friends of The Show MichelleInNovaScotia and her daughter:
What amazing shots of an amazing location!! BTW, here's the commercial Michelle referred to:
Many thanks to Susan, Ali, Mer, and Michelle for sending in their fantastic pictures. :) And thanks to all of you for continuing to send in your pictures. I'm officially caught up on the Roaming Penguins saga and am looking forward to getting a few more from everyone. I'm looking at making November 30th the last day for submissions to be included in the Roaming Penguins book.
The Pens (and their captain!) are facing the Blues tonight.
GO PENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That skyline shot is truly stunning! Next we've got details about a sugary sweet journey that Friend of The Show Ali W. took:
Brooks Penguin had his first trip to Pennsylvania this weekend!!! Enjoy!You have all done such a fantastic job - these Roaming Penguins stories have been entertaining us since the beginning of summer. After we decided to collect all the stories and turn them into a children's book, there were two major goals that we decided to try to meet: 1.) photograph a Roamer with his human counterpart, and 2.) score a picture of a Roamer with the Stanley Cup. Good Friend of The Show Mer managed to cross number 2 off our list - and then some!! Read on:
001 - Brooks Penguin was all packed in and ready to go!! :)
002 - Here is Brooks Penguin in front of Dwight Eisenhower's (former US president) house in Gettysburg, PA
003 - Brooks Penguin watching the American League Championship Series... cheering on the Sox
009 - I was cheering for the Rays, but Brooks still watched the game with me... haha
010 - Brooks on the plane catching up with his reading (he was reading the Michael Phelps autobiography...)
011/012 - Hershey, PA - truly the sweetest place on earth!!!
022 - At Dwight Eisenhower's front door (in Gettysburg, PA)
024 - On Dwight Eisenhower's office desk... Eisenhower actually signed things into law at this desk! Wow... haha
025 - Presidential bell
027 - At Dwight Eisenhower's personal golf course built for him by the PGA
033 - At the PA Captial building in Harrisburg, PA
034 - In front of an authetically dressed Civil War calvary soldier at the new American Civil War museum in Gettysburg, PA
038 - With an authentic Civil War cannon...
045 - The fountain at the PA Captial building was pink for October -- breast cancer awareness month!
Mario Penguin and I took a big trip last weekend. Sadly, not to Stockholm for the season opener (how cool would THAT have been!?) but to Ontario, where we took in some sights, some yummy treats, and a hockey game (or three). Here are some of the highlights of our trip.My jaw hit the floor when I saw Mer's photos. If Tavares is indeed picked number one overall, we'll have to give all the credit to Mario Penguin!! ;)
Photo#1804: Mario kept me going (and tried to help me) with my awful econ paper so that we could guiltlessly run around Toronto for the whole weekend and have fun!
Photo#1809: Mario wasn't a big fan of the little cupcakes, but he LOVED the tuna-salad sandwiches at the Royal York Hotel.
Photo#1810: Mario and I having fun with the trampoline we found in the alley!
Photo#1868: BIIIIIIG tower, liiittle penguin...
Photo#1969: Mario scoping out some NHL prospects at an Oshawa Generals game.
Mario always loves making new friends. Especially friends like John Tavares, the incredibly talented Captain of the Oshawa Generals who broke Wayne Gretzky's long-held OHL scoring record as a sixteen year-old. [snoop: He's also been predicted to be the NHL top draft pick of 2009!!!] If John looks a little tired, it's because he played a 3-point game that night against the Kingston Frontenacs, posting two goals and an assist to help his team to a 5-3 victory.
Photo#1840: I tried to explain that it wasn't just a really pretty bird bath... but he wouldn't listen--he misses hanging out with Stanley...
It didn't occur to me at the time that Mario Penguin touching the Cup might be bad luck. (I know *I* got him into and out of the Cup without touching it...) Somehow his little penguiny self doesn't seem capable of bringing bad luck upon anyone. In fact, Mario was so popular, I ended up telling at least two dozen people about Stephanie's project and your site.
And it keeps getting better because Sidney Penguin got to visit the place where it all began with Friends of The Show MichelleInNovaScotia and her daughter:
We decided to take a few pics of Sid the Penguin in Cole Harbour since my nephew had a game at Cole Harbour Place today.
1st picture is the outside of Cole Harbour Place, the famous home rink of Sidney Crosby:
2nd picture is my daughter Autumn and Sid the Penguin in the lobby of Cole Harbour Place with Sid's Tim Horton display in the background:
3rd picture is Sid the Penguin (on the floor) checking out Sidney Crosby's display case in Cole Harbour Place:
4th picture is inside Cole Harbour Place rink where you can see the "Home of Sidney Crosby" banner hanging in the corner.This rink and the mural on the wall to the left of the banner were featured in the "This was my prom" commercial for RBK:
What amazing shots of an amazing location!! BTW, here's the commercial Michelle referred to:
Many thanks to Susan, Ali, Mer, and Michelle for sending in their fantastic pictures. :) And thanks to all of you for continuing to send in your pictures. I'm officially caught up on the Roaming Penguins saga and am looking forward to getting a few more from everyone. I'm looking at making November 30th the last day for submissions to be included in the Roaming Penguins book.
The Pens (and their captain!) are facing the Blues tonight.
GO PENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!