Sid the - Juvenile???
Friend of The Show Julia found the clip of Sid rapping on YouTube. It's the clip mentioned in The Friends' Zone from the Sidney Crosby: On The Ice and Beyond DVD where Siddo sings Juvenile's song "Slow Motion:"
Here's something that will get you worked up for November 11th - from Friend of The Show Doug L.:

We've got to acknowledge and congratulate our girls Carroll T. and Cassie G. for submitting two of the questions that ESPN chose to ask Siddo in yesterday's chat:
Speaking of being away, I did try to keep up a little bit with my emails while I was away, but I failed miserably. Please don't get mad if I don't respond or don't use the stuff you've sent right away - I've still got it all (pictures, articles, Roaming Penguins stuff, etc.) and I can absolutely guarantee you that I will get to it eventually.

Stagerat, who writes for The Flower Shop, keeps finding stuff about the Saint in his search for all things Fleury. In an effort to help me out, he passes along the info. Here's what he has found this week:

Ali W. found this link to Business Week's list of 100 most influential people in sports. Our title man comes in at a respectable #52:
Here's something that will get you worked up for November 11th - from Friend of The Show Doug L.:

It looks like a tomato threw up all over him. >:O
We've got to acknowledge and congratulate our girls Carroll T. and Cassie G. for submitting two of the questions that ESPN chose to ask Siddo in yesterday's chat:
Carroll (Ottawa, Ontario Canada): Do you miss Tim Horton's coffee and donuts will living in Pittsburgh?AWESOME!!! Good job, ladies! :) Now I know some of you were upset that the interviewer didn't ask him about TSCS. I have to tell you in all honesty, I don't think I'd be comfortable knowing Sid knew about my site. I see The Show as a work in progress with many improvements (on my end, not yours - you guys ROCK!!!) to be made. Bottom line: I just don't think I do a good enough job here for him to be made aware of The Show's existence. Oh, and in case you were wondering, I did not submit a question. I missed the deadline because I was at my sister's house and I got distracted. It's just as well - I couldn't think of a good one to ask him anyways.
Sidney Crosby: I do miss Tim Horton's! There's not many here. I definitely do miss it.
Cass (Norman, OK): What do you think is the biggest challenge you as captain will face this season?
Sidney Crosby: I think making sure the team doesn't listen to past history or facts, because history isn't on our side right now. There haven't been a lot of successful teams that have had Cup runs. We just have to prove ourselves. What we've done in the past doesn't matter.
Speaking of being away, I did try to keep up a little bit with my emails while I was away, but I failed miserably. Please don't get mad if I don't respond or don't use the stuff you've sent right away - I've still got it all (pictures, articles, Roaming Penguins stuff, etc.) and I can absolutely guarantee you that I will get to it eventually.

Stagerat, who writes for The Flower Shop, keeps finding stuff about the Saint in his search for all things Fleury. In an effort to help me out, he passes along the info. Here's what he has found this week:
- this article about how Sid's been handling all the attention as the "Face of the NHL"
- this tip that "TSN has gone Crosby Crazy." Click here to browse through articles, interviews, videos, and more
- an open letter to Siddo over at Barry Melrose Rocks that begs the Kid to stop being so careful about his words and - every once in a while - let loose and tell us what he REALLY thinks
- and two reviews of the new DVD: DVD Verdict review, Washington Post review

Ali W. found this link to Business Week's list of 100 most influential people in sports. Our title man comes in at a respectable #52:
52 - SIDNEY CROSBY Center and captain, Pittsburgh PenguinsAnd finally today, Sidney Penguin arrived in Benbrook, Texas, where he met Karen S. and her furry friends. S.P. wrote us to tell us all about it:
At just 21 and with three years as a pro, Sid the Kid is hockey's top player and most marketable athlete.
Well I made it to my new home and I met my new mommy. She has two black furry things that seem to own the living space. When mommy was talking to me one of them got curious about me and got too close. We will call that one 'Evil Kitty'. 'Evil Kitty' keeps staring at me but mommy has me protected by her side. The other one we'll call 'Good Kitty' let me sit with her and mommy took our picture. She gave me a soft nose kiss and then laid down on the blanket which has a Penguin logo on it. Mommy said they claimed it as their own and she is just lucky to get to use it. 'Evil Kitty' keeps lurking around but mommy said I will be kept in a safe place.Many thanks go out to Julia, Doug, Stagerat, Kellie, Ali, and Karen for their help with today's post. Look for pictures of the Sweden games from two Friends to go up sometime in the next 24 hours. :)Sidney P. shares a nice blanket with "Good Kitty."LOOK OUT, S.P.!!!
Labels: Business Week, DVD, ESPN, links, roaming penguins, video