Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Hello, Friends. I'm so, so, SO sorry I haven't been keeping up with my promise to keep The Show going through the summer. I've just so much on my plate lately, and the stress of it is really taking a toll on me.

I just have to make it through Friday - Baylee has an appointment to get his teeth cleaned and a few might have to come out, but even in the best of health, being put under anesthesia is hard on a body - and I think things will start to normalize around here again. I'm so worried about him that I get physically ill.

My Gram is another story, however. She's been getting sick after eating. Because of that, my Pap gets extremely upset so then my Mom has to try to deal with that, which in turn upsets me. Oh how I wish there was a magic potion to make things better. Honestly, at this point, a definitive "Yes, she'll eventually get better" or "No, this is going to be her new reality from now on" would even be better than all the damn "I don't know"s.

Watching someone you love get old, whether it is a pet or a relative, is hell.

At any rate, please forgive me for my absence. I haven't checked my email in a while, either. Please just know that I'm not ignoring any of you, I will eventually get back to all of you, and I currently have no plans to abandon TSCS - I just need to deal with some of this stuff before I can have the energy to resume posting regularly. I've still got a lot planned for the remainder of the summer break: I have all those Fan Photos to post, I've got a giveaway planned (thanks to good Friend of The Show and Sid drawer Jan M.), and of course, we'll have to catch up on the summer travels of Lord Stanley's Cup.

Thanks so much in advance for understanding.

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The Sidney Crosby Show
is licensed under a
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(Based on all work at sidcrosby.blogspot.com.)